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Ghanefo Ansumana Kromah

Ghanefo Ansumana Kromah

Liberian Striker


Body Confection

Height - 1.76 meter



 Name - Ghanefo Ansumana Agogo Kromah

Date of Birth - 26 December, 1993

Place of Birth - Monrovia, Liberia

Position- Withdrawn Striker/ Midfielder


Kromah is a very agile striker with a tremendous apetite for goal. He has a powerful right foot with an equally magical left leg. Kromah single handedly with Anthony wolfe are responsible for saving Churchill Brothers from relegation and scoring important goals at crucial junctures. Kromah is a very striker having played for clubs like Watanga Fc, Peerless Fc and currently playing in India's top division club Churchill Brothers.


Attributes - Great Speed, Nimble footed, Good Physical Strength , Great shot accuracy